April 10, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer
Bouncing Back Is a Key Component of SuccessMost goals worth accomplishing do not happen overnight. An essential resource to cultivate is resilience.
By Dena Lefkowitz
7 minute read
March 11, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer
Effective Niche Marketing for LawyersNiche marketing describes a firm narrowing down its focus to stand out from a marketing perspective. There are many advantages to carving out a niche legal practice. Marketing to a specific area is more cost effective, separates you from the pack, emphasizes your uniqueness, conveys a concentration on a particular area rather than a general practice, and can foster a belief that, by limiting yourself to a chosen field, you will be up-to-date on the latest precedents and well-versed in nuances that could elude a generalist. However, marketing to a niche is vastly different from marketing against a niche, particularly if clients are rejected on the basis of sex.
By Dena Lefkowitz
7 minute read
February 12, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer
How to Change Your Life at Any AgeA common refrain from clients is that it's too late to alter the direction of their lives, as though our course is set and deviation simply not possible. This is a usually false premise and the opposite is true: it is not too late to significantly improve your career and life.
By Dena Lefkowitz
8 minute read
January 16, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer
Make a Contract With Yourself to Reach Desired GoalsA common issue with long-term goal-setting is the lack of short-term payoff. When faced with instant gratification against future gains, the temptation to cave in to the "now" can be irresistible.
By Dena Lefkowitz
6 minute read
December 02, 2013 | The Legal Intelligencer
How to Communicate With IntentionGlobal law firm Clifford Chance was in the news recently because of a memo it circulated called "Presentation Tips for Women," which contained 163 nuggets of practical advice for its female lawyers.
By Dena Lefkowitz
3 minute read
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