Dena Lefkowitz

Dena Lefkowitz

April 10, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer

Bouncing Back Is a Key Component of Success

Most goals worth accomplishing do not happen overnight. An essential resource to cultivate is resilience.

By Dena Lefkowitz

7 minute read

March 11, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer

Effective Niche Marketing for Lawyers

Niche marketing describes a firm narrowing down its focus to stand out from a marketing perspective. There are many advantages to carving out a niche legal practice. Marketing to a specific area is more cost effective, separates you from the pack, emphasizes your uniqueness, conveys a concentration on a particular area rather than a general practice, and can foster a belief that, by limiting yourself to a chosen field, you will be up-to-date on the latest precedents and well-versed in nuances that could elude a generalist. However, marketing to a niche is vastly different from marketing against a niche, particularly if clients are rejected on the basis of sex.

By Dena Lefkowitz

7 minute read

February 12, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer

How to Change Your Life at Any Age

A common refrain from clients is that it's too late to alter the direction of their lives, as though our course is set and deviation simply not possible. This is a usually false premise and the opposite is true: it is not too late to significantly improve your career and life.

By Dena Lefkowitz

8 minute read

January 16, 2014 | The Legal Intelligencer

Make a Contract With Yourself to Reach Desired Goals

A common issue with long-term goal-setting is the lack of short-term payoff. When faced with instant gratification against future gains, the temptation to cave in to the "now" can be irresistible.

By Dena Lefkowitz

6 minute read

December 02, 2013 | The Legal Intelligencer

How to Communicate With Intention

Global law firm Clifford Chance was in the news recently because of a memo it circulated called "Presentation Tips for Women," which contained 163 nuggets of practical advice for its female lawyers.

By Dena Lefkowitz

3 minute read