March 02, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer
A Defense of 'Reconstructing Reality'In the Jan. 25 "Ethics Forum" of the Pennsylvania Law Weekly, Samuel Stretton drew what he termed a "bright line" about the content of witness preparation sessions and said unequivocally that witness preparation "should not involve helping the witness to re-construct what occurred." Having coauthored an article titled, "Reconstructing Reality -- Preparing the Deponent to Testify," Litigation, Fall 1988, at 19, we disagree.
By Dennis R. Suplee and Diana S. Donaldson
8 minute read
May 19, 2003 | The Legal Intelligencer
Dealing With the Difficult OpponentWe continue our discussion of the rules of civil procedure, judicial opinions and guidelines applicable to dealing with the difficult opponent, focusing on judicial and other reactions to Hall v. Clifton Precision.
By Dennis R. Suplee and Diana S. Donaldson Special to the Law Weekly
13 minute read
July 14, 2003 | The Legal Intelligencer
Deposition Strategy and TacticsWhen preparing for the deposition, you should give careful thought to the order in which you will cover various subjects. Make an advertent decision whether to begin with the important issues or to postpone them until the deponent starts to ...
By Dennis R. Suplee and Diana S. Donaldson Special to the Law Weekly
10 minute read
October 20, 2003 | The Legal Intelligencer
Stepping Into the Deponent's ShoesIn this article, we continue our discussion of questioning techniques designed to elicit the information or the admission you seek from the deponent.
By Dennis R. Suplee and Diana S. Donaldson Special to the Law Weekly
9 minute read
February 24, 2003 | The Legal Intelligencer
Dealing With the Difficult OpponentNOTICE: Readers wishing to obtain a footnoted version of last month's Deposition Dynamics article on Rule 30(b)(6) depositions should direct a request via e-mail to Barbara-Ann Myers at bamyers@
By Dennis R. Suplee and Diana S. DonaldsonSpecial to the Law Weekly
10 minute read
July 14, 2003 | The Legal Intelligencer
Deposition Strategy and TacticsBy Dennis R. Suplee and Diana S. DonaldsonSpecial to the Law Weekly First of a four-part series
10 minute read
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