Douglas H Reynolds

Douglas H Reynolds

July 19, 2018 | Daily Business Review

The Florida Supreme Court Expands Rights of Biological Parents

Connor Perkins knew he was the father. He was there when his girlfriend Treneka Simmonds gave birth to their child in February 2013. He took the child to doctor's appointments, enrolled the child in daycare, voluntarily paid child support and was referred to as “daddy” by the child.

By Douglas H. Reynolds and Henny L. Shomar

1 minute read

December 22, 2017 | Daily Business Review

Tax Cuts and Job Cuts Act: A Game Changer for Alimony and Tax Planning

As we are reading and watching the news over the past few days, Congress has approved and the president is signing into law H.R. 1 of the 115th U.S. Congress, the much debated tax bill set to reshape the federal tax system.

By Henny L. Shomar and Douglas H. Reynolds

3 minute read

September 27, 2017 | Daily Business Review

Your New Business Partner Is Your Partner's Ex-Spouse

Business people and sports fans alike will surely recall the major league divorce battle of the McCourts over the ownership of the Los Angeles Dodgers…

By Commentary by Douglas H. Reynolds and Henny L. Shomar

5 minute read