Editorial Board

Editorial Board

July 27, 2011 | New York Law Journal

A Young Lawyer's Guide to Professional Dress

Your attire makes a statement about your competence and professionalism, and may impact your future success in the legal world. Here are some tips to keep people listening to what you say rather than focusing on what you're wearing, from the editorial board of The Legal Intelligencer's Young Lawyer.

By Young Lawyer Editorial Board

7 minute read

December 21, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer

State Supreme Court Should Extend Gift Ban to All Judges

Recent news reports have raised questions about the wisdom of the policy that permits certain Pennsylvania judges to accept gifts, including from lawyers or parties who appear or may appear before them. There is no wisdom in this policy. It should be changed to protect the integrity of the judiciary and the public's confidence in the courts.

By The Editorial Board

5 minute read

September 09, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer

Place Personal Preferences Over Rankings In Job Searches

Unlike the college or law school selection process, most lawyers are not familiar with the reputations and names of the firms prior to practicing. Whereas in your law school selection process you might have known that you wanted an urban experience, or a school founded in a religious tradition, the chances are that recent grads have no real information about area law firms other than what could be found on websites and in promotional materials or NALP forms.

By YL Editorial Board

5 minute read

July 21, 2011 | Texas Lawyer

Films That Inspire, for Your Summer Viewing Pleasure

As young attorneys, there are definitely times when we need a dose of inspiration. In fact, you may even find yourself questioning why you became an attorney in the first place after a tough day in court, criticism from a partner, a dragging week or endless calls from a difficult client.

By Young Lawyer Editorial Board

10 minute read