Edward E Neiger

Edward E Neiger

July 18, 2012 | New York Law Journal

Dewey's Bankruptcy Case, Developments in Madoff, Sbarro, Ritz Camera

In his Bankruptcy Update, Edward E. Neiger, founding partner of Neiger LLP, reviews recent developments, including the filings of two high-profile entities and how they hope to use the bankruptcy process to achieve their respective goals, Sbarro's successful emergence from bankruptcy, and the latest events in the Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC bankruptcy, including the slew of new lawsuits brought by the trustee in that case against investors in Madoff feeder funds.

By Edward E. Neiger

9 minute read

April 05, 2013 | New York Law Journal

Final Stages for Hostess, Reader's Digest Reorganization, Detroit's Emergency

In his Bankruptcy Update, Edward E. Neiger, co-managing partner at ASK LLP, discusses recent sales of Hostess' iconic brands, including the infamous Twinkies, the merger of bankrupt American Airlines with U.S. Airway, the plan of reorganization filed by Reader's Digest, Girls Gone Wild's tumultuous entry into the bankruptcy world, and Detroit's efforts to alleviate their financial woes with the help of a renowned bankruptcy practitioner.

By Edward E. Neiger

8 minute read

October 04, 2013 | New York Law Journal

Detroit's Historic Filing; Developments in American Airlines, Dewey, Kodak

In his Bankruptcy Update, Edward E. Neiger, a co-managing partner at ASK LLP, discusses American Airlines and Kodak's recently confirmed plans of reorganization and the impact of recent antitrust litigation on American Airlines' ability to emerge from bankruptcy, along with litigation developments in Dewey & LeBoeuf's bankruptcy case and Detroit's "eligibility" battle.

By Edward E. Neiger

10 minute read

April 06, 2012 | New York Law Journal

Storied American Companies Face Crossroads in Bankruptcy Court

In his Bankruptcy Update, Edward E. Neiger, founding partner of Neiger LLP, analyzes major recent events and interesting developments in seveal ongoing, marquee reorganizations and their impact on the debtors and other significant constituencies.

By Edward E. Neiger

10 minute read

October 28, 2011 | New York Law Journal

Rakoff Deals Blow to Madoff Trustee

Marvin E. Jacob, a retired Weil Gotshal & Manges partner, and Edward E. Neiger, founding partner of Neiger, analyze a recent decision which will have a profound and adverse effect on the trustee's efforts to recover and distribute funds to defrauded investors in Madoff Securities and will also change the game for other SIPA and bankruptcy trustees as they try to recover money for victims of Ponzi schemes.

By Marvin E. Jacob and Edward E. Neiger

11 minute read