Elana Ashanti Jefferson

Elana Ashanti Jefferson

Elana Ashanti Jefferson serves as ALM's PropertyCasualty360 Group Chief Editor. She is a veteran journalist and communications professional. Reach her by sending an e-mail to [email protected].

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September 12, 2019 | Property Casualty 360

Drivers beware: Common auto insurance exclusions

The rise of digital self-service car insurance means policyholders may be unfamiliar with the circumstances that can cause an accident claim to be denied.

By Elana Ashanti Jefferson

2 minute read

September 06, 2019 | Property Casualty 360

Drunk driving deaths decreased the most in these 15 states

A recent study found that drunk driving fatalities are down in most — but not all — U.S. states.

By Elana Ashanti Jefferson

2 minute read

August 30, 2019 | Property Casualty 360

Driver warning: Make sure your auto insurance is legit

Insureds are being lured by bargain prices only to find their car insurance policy is fake.

By Elana Ashanti Jefferson

2 minute read

July 22, 2019 | Property Casualty 360

How to shield businesses from employee lawsuits

Every company is at risk of costly employee-related litigation. Know these laws to protect employees and employers.

By Sandra Lowery

6 minute read

April 19, 2019 | Property Casualty 360

Insurance regulators take up electric scooter liability issues

Electric scooters are a convenient, popular consumer service. They just happen to have a magnitude of potential liability issues.

By Erin Collins

6 minute read

March 28, 2019 | Property Casualty 360

Age diversity: Risk management's silent partner

U.S. government data show the number of workers aged 55 and older still on the job has increased by nearly 29% since 2012.

By Sharon Emek

6 minute read