Elizabeth Pollock King

Elizabeth Pollock King

May 25, 2022 | Legaltech News

The Slack Explosion: 7 Best Practices That Will Make Future E-Discovery Easier

Just as the legal industry had to scramble to figure out how to handle email and other electronic documents a couple decades ago, e-discovery practices must once again shift to account for the realities of business being conducted via chat and the massive amounts of new types of data that chat platforms generate.

By Elizabeth Pollock-King, ProSearch

6 minute read

April 28, 2022 | Legaltech News

The Slack Explosion: Convenient Yet Complicated

The informality of chat culture not only makes chat data harder to search, it also results in huge volumes of a new kind of data that must be processed in unique ways before it can be reviewed.

By Elizabeth Pollock-King, ProSearch

8 minute read

April 26, 2022 | Law.com

The Slack Explosion: Convenient Yet Complicated

Part One of a Two-Part Series The informality of chat culture not only makes chat data harder to search, it also results in huge volumes of a new kind of data that must be processed in unique ways before it can be reviewed.

By Elizabeth Pollock-King

8 minute read