Eric Harrison

Eric Harrison

August 06, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Tinkering With 'Tinker': 3d Cir. School Districts May No Longer Discipline Students for Certain Off-Campus Speech

In rejecting the approach of other circuits, the majority in 'B.L. by Levy' opined that some decisions which deployed 'Tinker' to uphold punishment of offensive off-campus speech may have encompassed too much non-harmful speech.

By Eric Harrison and Kajal Patel

10 minute read

May 11, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

'Alternative Facts' Have No Place in Public Schools

The Third Circuit strikes a blow for objective truth in the post-truth era.

By Fredric Paul Gallin and Eric Harrison

8 minute read

March 22, 2019 | New Jersey Law Journal

Fraud Is Fraud, Whenever It May Occur

OP-ED: We write in response to the article entitled “Insured's Misrepresentations in Coverage Litigation Do Not Count,” published in the Law Journal on March 4. As counsel on behalf of insurance companies, we beg to differ.

By Fredric Paul Gallin and Eric Harrison

3 minute read

April 10, 2017 | New Jersey Law Journal

Sovereign Immunity and Claims Against the State Under LAD

The weight of current federal authority suggests that the State of New Jersey has not waived its sovereign immunity from suit in federal court for NJLAD claims.

By Emily Kornfeld and Eric Harrison

16 minute read

November 01, 2005 | Legaltech News

Upgrading Dictation

A former partner, turned entreprenuer, sells his firm a new system.

By Eric Harrison

11 minute read

November 11, 2005 | Legaltech News

Upgrading Dictation

Although dictating to microcassettes has been the industry standard for years, digital dictation offers many benefits, including increased productivity, lower cost and easy edits. For Methfessel & Werbel, a 35-attorney firm, digital dictation has translated into savings of $33,000 a year. Attorneys can check on transcription progress from their desktop, which can help ease anxiety when big deadlines are looming. The change to digital dictation has proven a hit even with the firm's most technophobic lawyer

By Eric Harrison

11 minute read

December 05, 2005 |

Dictation in a Digital World

Tape recorders, microcassettes and transcription machines are increasingly looking like dinosaurs.

By Eric Harrison

11 minute read

December 21, 2009 | New Jersey Law Journal

Maximize the Effectiveness of A Defense Offer of Judgment

The key to maximizing the utility of the Offer of Judgment Rule by defendants in fee-shifting cases is to evaluate the claim early, weigh the pros and cons of an early offer, and if determined appropriate, formally offer a reasonable sum towards damages "plus, in addition thereto, all reasonable fees and costs incurred to date."

By Eric Harrison and Adam Weiss

8 minute read

January 16, 2006 | New Jersey Law Journal

Stepping Down Even Further

In a matter of first impression regarding the rights of an innocent third party seeking the benefits of a fraudulently obtained automobile insurance policy, the Appellate Division ruled that the defrauding tortfeasor's liability coverage should be stepped down to "basic policy" levels, rendering the tortfeasor without liability coverage and requiring the innocent third party to pursue uninsured motorist benefits under his own policy.

By Michael Eatroff and Eric Harrison

10 minute read

November 11, 2005 |

Upgrading Dictation

Although dictating to microcassettes has been the industry standard for years, digital dictation offers many benefits, including increased productivity, lower cost and easy edits. For Methfessel & Werbel, a 35-attorney firm, digital dictation has translated into savings of $33,000 a year. Attorneys can check on transcription progress from their desktop, which can help ease anxiety when big deadlines are looming. The change to digital dictation has proven a hit even with the firm's most technophobic lawyer

By Eric Harrison

11 minute read