Eric S Poe

Eric S Poe

September 17, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal

All New Jersey Drivers Deserve Transparency and Trust

The author points to several laws that were clearly created to help protect lower income drivers and prevent car insurers from surreptitiously and unfairly discriminating against unsuspecting consumers, but which simply no longer have any "teeth."

By Eric S. Poe

7 minute read

July 30, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal

The Half-Pregnant Public Policy on Car Insurance Rates

All residents deserve fairness in the price they pay for car insurance—a rate based on the individual's driving history and safety, and not on where they work or whether they have a college degree.

By Eric S. Poe

7 minute read

July 09, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal

A Dirty Little Secret in Car Insurance: Can Lawyers Lead a Change?

New Jersey car insurance companies can charge you more if you don't have a college education, if you work in a blue-collar job, if you rent your home, or if your credit score isn't perfect.

By Eric S. Poe

9 minute read

May 06, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal

Expert Witness Availability: Stop Second Bites at the Apple

The author proposes a rule amendment to preclude a "redo" of expert testimony. Simply stated: If a witness is unavailable, and a de bene esse deposition is completed, that witness cannot become "re-available" to testify live at trial.

By Eric S. Poe

8 minute read

January 22, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal

Informed Consent Applies 'Reasonable Person' Standard; What Happens in Court Is Unreasonable

A plaintiff's passionate testimony is highly prejudicial in the eyes of a jury, yet has no probative value based on the instructions given to that jury. We need to eradicate this contradiction to ensure fairness in our judicial system.

By Eric S. Poe

8 minute read

December 17, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Bad Faith Lawsuits: High Stakes With Unclear Guidance

In the area of insurance litgation, there is an essential need for a Model Civil Jury Charge to guide courts and counsel that have bad faith litigations pending, as well as insureds and insurers in the underlying cases.

By Eric S. Poe

8 minute read

August 21, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Need for Transparency First; Reach Economic Equality Next

What happens when the public is required by law to buy a product that does not come with transparency? That scenario, unacceptable to most, is happening in the world of car insurance, here in New Jersey—and nationwide.

By Eric S. Poe

9 minute read

July 22, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Offer of Judgment: End the One-Way Street for Personal Injury Plaintiffs

One would think that any rule in the courts should always apply to both parties fairly. However upon closer examination, the OOJ Rule contains key phrases that benefit only the person suing for money.

By Eric S. Poe

9 minute read

May 07, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Changes to Legal Malpractice Coverage: Just What the Doctor Ordered

An expert suggests that attorneys should disclose the coverage levels of their legal malpractice insurance to their physician clients, and that the minimum legal malpractice coverage held by an attorney defending a medical malpractice litigation should be increased to $5 million.

By Eric S. Poe

8 minute read