Ethan A Kobre

Ethan A Kobre

April 01, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Condo and Co-Op Conversion: Not Out of Time, Not Out of Luck

An unsettled aspect of the condominium and cooperative conversion protection and abuse act may offer new hope.

By Ethan A. Kobre and Milad Boddoohi

9 minute read

October 23, 2017 | New York Law Journal

Court Confirms Condo Board Member's 'Unfettered' Rights to Access Books, Records

Ethan A. Kobre writes: As litigants and lawyers have discovered the efficacy of enforcing statutory and common-law books-and-records access rights through summary proceedings, this trend has spread not only to the residential cooperative corporation context but also to an even more popular form of communal living in New York: condominiums.

By Ethan A. Kobre

16 minute read