January 03, 2018 | Daily Business Review
Being Mindful of the Anti-Boycott LawThe Israel Anti-Boycott Act (S.720 and H.R.1697), a bill in Congress attracting debate, is considered by some to protect the interests of the United States and by others to violate the First Amendment right to free speech. Regardless of how the proposed legislation pans out, it is casting a spotlight on existing U.S. anti-boycott laws and regulations that are often overlooked when structuring cross-border transactions. These laws require serious consideration.
By Lazaro I. Vazquez and Francis E. Rodriguez
4 minute read
May 28, 2015 | Daily Business Review
Campaign Promise of Tomorrow Here TodayAttorneys Francis E. Rodriguez and Logan E. Gans write about an often overlooked income tax incentive for exporting U.S. products and services is the interest charge domestic international sales corporation, or IC-DISC.
By Francis E. Rodriguez and Logan E. Gans
4 minute read
May 28, 2015 | Daily Business Review
Campaign Promise of Tomorrow Here TodayAttorneys Francis E. Rodriguez and Logan E. Gans write about an often overlooked income tax incentive for exporting U.S. products and services is the interest charge domestic international sales corporation, or IC-DISC.
By Francis E. Rodriguez and Logan E. Gans
4 minute read
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