Frank Joranko

Frank Joranko

June 24, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Who Holds the Power to Interpret Arbitration Agreements? SCOTUS Tests the Scope of 'Delegation" in Multi-Contract Cases

When a party moves to compel arbitration, the first question for a court is: has arbitrability been delegated to the arbitrator? The U.S. Supreme Court recently clarified the scope of such delegation provisions in Coinbase v. Suski, discussed below.

By Victoria Corder, Sean Topping and Frank Joranko

8 minute read

March 13, 2023 | New York Law Journal

Proving Market Realities Is Crucial in Antitrust Merger Litigation

As shown in recent cases, parties successfully have fought off merger challenges in court when they can show that the government's theoretical antitrust case is not supported by market realities. Demonstrating market realities is critical to both the government and the parties in antitrust merger litigation.

By Gerald A. Stein and Frank Joranko

9 minute read