Fred D Weinstein

Fred D Weinstein

June 13, 2018 | New York Law Journal

Justice Cardozo's Opinion in 'Meinhard v. Salmon' Continues to Reverberate

At the heart of the 'Meinhard' opinion is the concept that a fiduciary has a duty of undivided loyalty and, therefore, may not exploit a corporate opportunity for his or her own self-benefit.

By Fred D. Weinstein

13 minute read

September 13, 2010 | New York Law Journal

Fair Value Remains Challenging Determination for Trial Courts

Fred D. Weinstein, a partner at Kurzman Eisenberg Corbin and Lever, writes that the determination of the "fair value" of a shareholder's interest in a closely held corporation under BCL �1118 and BCL �623 has proven to be an especially complex and challenging task for the courts.

By Fred D. Weinstein

13 minute read

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