Gabrielle C Goham

Gabrielle C Goham

June 26, 2019 | The Legal Intelligencer

Safe2Say Something About the Special Education Funding Crisis

School districts have an obligation to provide a free appropriate public education to all of their resident students. Part of this "FAPE" mandate is the duty to locate, identify and evaluate students who may require special education and related services in school according to the “child find” obligation under the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

By Gabrielle C. Goham

5 minute read

February 22, 2019 | The Legal Intelligencer

The Potential Cost of Medical Residential Placements to Public School Districts

The decision to place a student in a residential educational program, like all other educational placement decisions, is required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to be made by an Individualized Education Program team (IEP team) comprising professionals from the student's school district of residence and the parents.

By Gabrielle C. Goham

4 minute read

March 29, 2018 | The Legal Intelligencer

Balancing the Rights of School Districts in Wake of Shootings

In the wake of the latest rash of school shootings, as in all those which came before, rational minds question the general role of the public school system in preventing such attacks. Why didn't the school do more to prevent this tragedy? If this keeps happening, could it be the fault of the school system?

By Gabrielle C. Goham

5 minute read

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