June 18, 2019 | New York Law Journal
In Time for Summer, the City Bar Association Jumps Into the 'Pool'—The Legal Ethics of Multiple-Client RepresentationsMay a lawyer concurrently represent multiple individuals in the same governmental investigation or corporate internal investigation?
By Gabrielle S. Friedman and Jeffrey A. Udell
12 minute read
November 15, 2007 | Law.com
Must a Firm Report Child Porn on Company Server?Imagine this increasingly common scenario: an employee innocently searching for a business file on the company server accidentally stumbles across a cache of illicit digital photographs that contains pornographic images of children. Should the company report the find to the authorities, and likely initiate a state or federal investigation?
By Daniel M. Gitner and Gabrielle S. Friedman
14 minute read
November 15, 2007 | New York Law Journal
Must a Firm Report Child Porn on Company Server?Daniel M. Gitner, a partner at Lankler Siffert & Wohl, and Gabrielle S. Friedman, an associate at the firm, write that when an organization discovers child pornography on its computers, it faces a "catch-22" that requires the organization to report its find while providing no protection from investigation for having harbored the images on its system (either for the possession itself, or for civil forfeiture under a theory of respondeat superior), even if the downloader acted in secret.
By Daniel M. Gitner and Gabrielle S. Friedman
15 minute read