Georgianna Verhage

Georgianna Verhage

August 11, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Criminal Liability Risks for Compliance Officers: a Multi-Jurisdictional Perspective—PART II

In each jurisdiction, we have observed a trend of increased focus on holding individuals criminally responsible for corporate misconduct.

By Ann Sultan, Shula de Jersey, Daniel Travers, Robin Lööf, Ariane Fleuriot, Ario Dehghani, Maarten 't Sas and Georgianna Verhage

9 minute read

July 14, 2020 | Corporate Counsel

Criminal Liability Risks for Compliance Officers: a Multi-Jurisdictional Perspective—Part I

Amid ever-increasing regulatory complexity and diversification, it's important to stay on top of the current criminal enforcement risks for companies and their compliance departments. Part I of this two-part series homes in on the U.S., France and the Netherlands.

By Ann Sultan, Shula de Jersey, Daniel Travers, Robin Lööf, Ariane Fleuriot, Ario Dehghani, Maarten 't Sas and Georgianna Verhage

9 minute read

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