November 26, 2024 | Daily Report Online
Walking a Minute in Your Adversary’s Shoes: Addressing the Issue of 'Naive Realism' at MediationConflict occurs when two parties have differing perspectives on a matter of importance and each of them believes that his or her own view is correct. As research has shown, humans typically believe they are viewing the relevant information and events objectively and accurately. But the truth is that our brains actively construct our interpretation, or perspective, and this constructive process is heavily influenced/biased by our desires, or interests, even when we are genuinely attempting to be objective.
By Glenn Hutchison and David Matthews
5 minute read
July 08, 2024 | Daily Report Online
The Impact of Motivated Reasoning on Memory and Impact in DisputesUnderstanding and addressing motivated reasoning can help give you a sense of what's realistic for your client and case. It will also help you achieve better results in mediation as well as trial, if necessary.
By David Matthews and Glenn Hutchison
5 minute read
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