Gregory D Meese

Gregory D Meese

July 07, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

Rules of the Road: Siting of Small Wireless Facilities in the Public Rights-of-Way

Two recently decided cases shed light on FCC regulations and provide a summary of the new rules of the road in this area of law.

By Gregory D. Meese and Edward W. Purcell

9 minute read

January 07, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal

Wireless Antenna Facility Modifications: Part II, Recent FCC Actions

This is the second article in a two-part discussion of recent actions by the Federal Communications Commission. It provides an overview of two more recent FCC Orders that clarify the law regarding the 2014 Order and Section 6409(a) of the 2012 Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act.

By Gregory D. Meese and Edward W. Purcell

11 minute read

December 30, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Wireless Antenna Facility Modifications: Part I, Vexing Issues

This two-part article will describe recent FCC actions to promote wireless technology deployment. This first article will provide an overview of Section 6409(a) of the 2012 Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act, and some of the trouling issues that have come to the fore.

By Gregory D. Meese and Edward W. Purcell

9 minute read

September 10, 2009 | New Jersey Law Journal

Change Is In The Air: The Zoning of Renewable Energy Facilities

The state has enacted legislation to encourage and facilitate the siting and development of renewable energy systems. However, as the move toward renewable energy increases in momentum, most municipal zoning ordinances lack provisions to enable a balanced regulation of these new energy facilities.

By Gregory D. Meese and Adrienne M. Zitka

7 minute read