Heather Benzmiller Sultanian

Heather Benzmiller Sultanian

November 02, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

The Disclosure Process Defense to Securities Fraud Claims, Part II: Protecting the Attorney-Client Privilege

This article addresses potential privilege issues that arise from the integral role that in-house counsel typically plays in a company's disclosure process.

By John Skakun and Heather Benzmiller Sultanian

5 minute read

September 09, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

The Disclosure Process Defense to Securities Fraud Claims, Part I: Key Steps for Litigation Preparedness

One of the most effective—but underutilized—defenses against claims of securities fraud is a disclosure process defense: that the defendants reasonably relied on a robust process for drafting, reviewing, and approving the public disclosures at issue.

By John Skakun and Heather Benzmiller Sultanian

5 minute read

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