Henry M Greenberg President New York State Bar Association

Henry M Greenberg President New York State Bar Association

April 30, 2020 | New York Law Journal

COVID-19 Must Not Be Allowed To Interfere With Our Right To Vote

Henry M. Greenberg, President of the New York State Bar Association, writes: As we struggle with fear and great unpredictability, one thing is clear: Giving up on democracy is not an option.

By Henry M. Greenberg, President, New York State Bar Association

6 minute read

January 24, 2020 | New York Law Journal

In Challenging Times, Legal Profession's Voice Is Desperately Needed

Henry M. Greenberg, President of the New York State Bar Association, discusses highlights of the Annual Meeting, which will celebrate the beautiful mosaic of people and experiences that is New York state.

By Henry M. Greenberg, President, New York State Bar Association

3 minute read

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