Holly Rampy

Holly Rampy

May 04, 2021 | Texas Lawyer

In Shared Custody, Which Parent Decides on Child Entering COVID-19 Vaccine Trial?

COVID-19 vaccinations for children, and especially participation in clinical vaccine trials, may raise issues for parents who are co-parenting with a former spouse or partner.

By Holly Rampy Baird and Paula Bennett

4 minute read

November 26, 2019 | Texas Lawyer

Myths and Misconceptions of Property Division During a Divorce in Texas

Myths and Misconceptions of Property Division During a Divorce in Texas It is widely known Texas is a community property state, however, far fewer…

By Holly Rampy Baird

5 minute read

November 03, 2017 | Texas Lawyer

'Pressing the Pause Button' on a Divorce in Texas

Whatever the reason, a party should be aware that, in Texas, there is no formal, legal means by which to “pause” a divorce proceeding.

By Holly Rampy

10 minute read