Howard Goldberg

Howard Goldberg

February 04, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer

And Just Like That, It Was Gone—The Discoverability of Ephemeral Communications

Over the coming months and years, the discoverability of communications made through real-time chat software such as Slack and ephemeral messaging applications such as Signal will continue to come into focus. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the corporate adoption of these applications as they promote the efficient exchange of information.

By Howard Goldberg and Joseph Prive

8 minute read

July 18, 2021 | The Legal Intelligencer

The Colonial Pipeline Attack: Rethinking Cyber Regulations on Utility Companies

In the wake of the May 2021 DarkSide ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline, lawmakers have begun to rethink cybersecurity for our nation's utilities.

By Howard Goldberg and Marissa Morte

9 minute read