Howard M Berkower

Howard M Berkower

April 20, 2021 | New York Law Journal

New PPP Rules Benefit Self-Employed Individuals

This article discusses PPP rules in a new Interim Final Rule and in new Frequently Asked Questions. The New IFR and New FAQ account for changes made to the PPP by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, and incorporate directives by the Biden Administration to create greater available PPP funds for self-employed Schedule C filers by permitting the calculation of PPP loan amounts to be based on gross income rather than net earnings.

By Howard M. Berkower and William D. Brown Jr.

9 minute read

April 09, 2021 | New York Law Journal

March to the Beat of Your Own Drummer: Amazon's Executive Compensation Practices

Assisted by the effects of the global pandemic, Amazon's sales of $386 billion represented a 38% increase from 2019 and its net income of $21.3 billion amounted to a whopping 84% increase from 2019. What an opportune time for Jeff Bezos to announce an executive transition! In this Executive Compensation article, Howard Berkower traces Amazon's spectacular long-term success and examines its unique executive compensation practices.

By Howard M. Berkower

12 minute read

August 18, 2015 | FC&S Insurance

Facilitating Deal-Making Through the Use of Representation and Warranty Insurance

In this frothy, seller-driven mergers and acquisitions (“M&A”) market, representation and warranty insurance can help bridge the gap between…

By Howard M. Berkower

5 minute read