Ivor Adair

Ivor Adair

January 05, 2021 | International Edition

Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Compulsory Retirement in The COVID Era

There are several issues law firm managers must consider when mulling compulsory retirement for underperforming partners.

By Ivor Adair, Fox & Partners

5 minute read

July 02, 2020 | International Edition

How to Spot and Investigate if You Suspect a Team Move

There are a number of warning signs that should trigger a manager's suspicions of an impending team move.

By Ivor Adair

5 minute read

May 08, 2020 | International Edition

Pruning Partnerships: Considerations for Law Firms

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, one next step may be to remove partners who are "not paying their way."

By Ivor Adair

5 minute read