Jaime Rich Vining

Jaime Rich Vining

June 27, 2018 | Daily Business Review

Domain Disputes Post-GDPR: For Now, a Temporary Solution

The European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), aimed at protecting against privacy and data breaches, went into effect on May 25. The territorial reach of the new regulation is extensive.

By Jaime Rich Vining

4 minute read

July 27, 2017 | Daily Business Review

Global Registration: When to Register Trademarks Outside the US

Globalization has significantly affected trademark portfolio practice in recent years. U.S.-based companies now sell and promote their products or services online throughout much of the world via online commerce and social media. Trademark owners must therefore now secure registration in many more countries to ensure their brands are adequately protected in all countries in which they exploit or are likely to exploit their marks, writes Jaime Rich Vining.

By Commentary by Jaime Rich Vining

8 minute read