Jeffrey Gracer

Jeffrey Gracer

June 26, 2019 | New York Law Journal

New York State Legislature Passes Historic Act to Address Climate Change

This legislation will create a new, comprehensive regulatory program that will require a broad array of greenhouse gas emission sources to curtail their emissions in New York state.

By Jeffrey Gracer

10 minute read

September 27, 2018 | New York Law Journal

Challenging BigLaw in NYC to Help Save the Planet

One need not be a managing partner to know that a firm spends a significant portion of its annual budget on heating, cooling and powering its space.

By Sally Fisk, Jeffrey Gracer, Kevin Healy, Lauren Kurtz, Michael Mahoney, Adam Stolorow and Amy Turner

5 minute read

June 07, 2017 | New York Law Journal

A Call to Action for New Yorkers

Jeffrey Gracer and Michael Mahoney write: New Yorkers can do more than endure a reduction of our carbon footprints; we can thrive in a new clean energy economy. In so doing, we can inspire others to follow our lead.

By Jeffrey Gracer and Michael Mahoney

4 minute read

July 14, 2008 | New York Law Journal

Lender Beware

Jeffrey Gracer and Christine Leas, partners at Sive, Paget & Riesel, write that while virtually every financial institution is aware that a borrower's contaminated assets can give rise to significant environmental liability in the workout and foreclosure context, to a certain extent, lenders may have been lulled into a false sense of security. But the amended safe harbor in CERCLA has not been fully tested, and the case law interpreting its limits is surprisingly sparse. A recent enforcement action brought against a major bank in New York, which resulted in a settlement of nearly $1 million, highlights the need for vigilance and caution.

By Jeffrey Gracer and Christine Leas

12 minute read

June 27, 2002 | New York Law Journal

As Economies Mix, It Pays to Know Canadian Law

C ANADA AND the United States have a long history of environmental cooperation dating back at least to the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909. 1 As integration of our economies intensifies under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), transactions involving companies with facilities and operations on both sides of the 49th Parallel are taking place with greater frequency and on a larger scale. Our environmental regulatory systems share many similarities, but they are different in important respects. Th

By Jeffrey Gracer And Robert Mansell

17 minute read