September 27, 2013 | The Legal Intelligencer
Facebook Gives New Meaning to Phrase 'Friend of the Court'Judges hold a revered position in our society. Singularly tasked with upholding public trust in the integrity of the legal system, judges are required to act in a manner that avoids impropriety and the appearance of impropriety.
By Jeffrey N. Rosenthal
9 minute read
October 25, 2012 | The Legal Intelligencer
Is Lying on Facebook or Online Profiles a Crime?Did you really go to Harvard? Were you actually born in 1982? Did you truly spend that summer backpacking through Europe? Your online profile certainly says so.
By Jeffrey N. Rosenthal
10 minute read
November 07, 2011 | Texas Lawyer
You've Been Served — on Facebook?What do you expect to find when you open your Facebook page? A friend request from someone you recently met? Notification you were tagged in a picture with a loved one? How about a summons? Or maybe notice of a default judgment entered against you? The last two may sound fairly outlandish, but the reality may be closer than you think.
By Jeffrey N. Rosenthal
9 minute read
October 12, 2010 | The Legal Intelligencer
Attorney-Witness Consultations: Things Better Left Unsaid?Most practitioners will tell you it is inherently improper to speak with a witness during a break in live testimony. Most judges would probably agree. If observed, the result could be open admonishment, the preclusion of the witness' testimony, sanctions levied against the attorney or worse. On the surface such a blanket prohibition may make sense. But is this really the law? Or is it just the way things are done? The answer may surprise you.
By Jeffrey N. Rosenthal
7 minute read