Jenna Greene

Jenna Greene

Jenna Greene is editor of The Litigation Daily and author of the "Daily Dicta" column. She is based in the San Francisco Bay Area and can be reached at [email protected].

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November 11, 2010 |

OSHA Case May Break New Legal Ground

The business community is watching a potentially precedent-setting case that could sharply curtail the period of time that companies can be cited for OSHA reporting violations.

By Jenna Greene

3 minute read

October 13, 2010 |

Treasury Taps 13 Law Firms to Help Run TARP

In one of the U.S. government's biggest legal services contracts ever, the Treasury Department has hired 13 law firms to help run the Troubled Assets Relief Program at a cost to taxpayers of up to $100 million. But the agency has been faulted for excessive secrecy concerning outside counsel.

By Jenna Greene

7 minute read

March 31, 2009 |

Whole Foods-Wild Oats Deal Leaves Controversial Legacy

Nobody expected the proposed $565 million acquisition of natural foods grocer Wild Oats by its rival Whole Foods Market to spark a food fight of epic proportions. But on March 6 -- after two years, $28 million in legal fees and expenses, and dozens of lawyers -- Whole Foods cut a deal to end the battle. The most important result of the battle may be a controversial D.C. Circuit opinion that some fear will make it too easy for the FTC to block future mergers.

By Jenna Greene

22 minute read

April 06, 2009 |

Ingredients in the Whole Foods, FTC Settlement

As corporate mergers go, the purchase of natural foods grocer Wild Oats by its rival Whole Foods Market looked like small potatoes (organic yellow fingerling, perhaps). Nobody expected the proposed $565 million acquisition to spark a food fight of epic proportions.

By Jenna Greene

22 minute read