August 30, 2022 | New York Law Journal
The Best-Laid Plans: Crypto Trading Plans To Limit Insider Trading LiabilityThis article discusses: (1) potential insider trading penalties that holders of founders' tokens can face if they trade digital assets while they possess material nonpublic information and (2) suggestions for using prophylactic Rule 10b5-1(c) trading plans for digital assets to reduce those holders' potential exposure to such risks.
By Joel Kurtzberg, Samson Enzer and Taylor Elicegui
10 minute read
May 13, 2022 | New York Law Journal
Does Jurisdiction-by-Consent Survive 'Daimler AG v. Bauman'?The Supreme Court of the United States will likely soon resolve the issue when it considers 'Mallory'.
By Joel Kurtzberg, Adam S. Mintz and Samuel J. Weiner
13 minute read
August 14, 2020 | New York Law Journal
City Proposes Rule Giving Journalists Due Process Rights Before Revoking Press CredentialsNearly five years after it improperly seized a photojournalist's NYPD-issued press credential, the City of New York has agreed to substantial and long-overdue reforms to its rule governing the suspension or revocation of press credentials.
By Joel Kurtzberg and John MacGregor
4 minute read
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