John Moscow

John Moscow

September 24, 2019 | New York Law Journal

No Court Has Ever Ruled That a President May Claim Immunity From Investigation

Without getting into arcane discussions of federalism, the larger point is that the substance of Mr. Trump's argument is awe-inspiring in its threat to our institutions. This issue is not about this particular president; rather it is about the rule of law.

By John Moscow and Adam Kaufmann

6 minute read

July 23, 2019 | New York Law Journal

A Visionary and a Great Soul: Remembering Morgenthau

He took on cases that were novel if they were important and he believed in them, even if there was a risk they would be lost. He was a great man, and a good man. He inspired us and so many others to do great things. We will miss him.

By Adam Kaufmann, Art Middlemiss and John Moscow

5 minute read