February 26, 2018 | Daily Business Review
To Use Prospective Customers as Legitimate Business Interests, a Business Should Focus on Resources and RelationshipsGenerating new customers can be a challenging and expensive endeavor. To identify new prospects, businesses may send their employees to trade shows, conferences or other events to meet potential new customers and prospects.
By John Terwilleger
8 minute read
February 01, 2018 | Daily Business Review
Proposed Legislation Brings Fla. Autonomous Vehicle Law Closer to Federal GuidanceThe legislature is currently considering two autonomous vehicle bills, one in the Senate and one in the House. The Senate bill, SB 712, would create significant changes in existing autonomous vehicle law, more closely aligning Florida law with recent Federal guidance and general industry standards. The House bill, HB 353, would make adjustments to the existing law, while still making some significant changes.
By John Terwilleger
6 minute read
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