Jonathan Bick

Jonathan Bick

May 05, 2023 | New Jersey Law Journal

Internet Employment Termination Lawful and Routine

Internet employment terminations are now lawful so long as they are properly executed.

By Jonathan Bick

8 minute read

April 07, 2023 | New Jersey Law Journal

Licensing Internet Artificial Intelligence

The primary issue associated with securing a licensor's consent for internet AI intellectual property is that normally the licensor is a computer program, hence not a legal person.

By Jonathan Bick

6 minute read

March 09, 2023 | New Jersey Law Journal

Strategic Application of UCC to E-Commerce

E-commerce has blurred the definition of merchant, allowing for the strategic use of the UCC.

By Jonathan Bick

6 minute read

February 13, 2023 | New Jersey Law Journal

Malpractice and Ethical E-Commerce Difficulties for the Unwary

Among the most common traps for the unwary e-commerce practitioner involves e-contracts.

By Jonathan Bick

7 minute read

January 20, 2023 | New Jersey Law Journal

E-Drop Shipping Alters Seller's Legal Liabilities

The drop ship transaction results in an alteration of the contract liabilities associated with the physical fulfillment process wherein the e-seller's risk of loss and delivery liabilities are transferred to the manufacturer or supplier.

By Jonathan Bick

7 minute read

December 27, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

Server Awareness Generates Internet Personal Jurisdiction

Internet server information constitutes a basis for intentional availment and in turn Internet personal jurisdiction.

By Jonathan Bick

6 minute read

December 12, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

The Internet of Things Likely Triggers NJ Privacy Violations

The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the networks of physical objects that are capable of communicating and sharing information via the internet. These devices include refrigerators, cars, home security devices to mention a few. Such internet-connected device are likely to violate New Jersey privacy law.

By Jonathan Bick

6 minute read

November 15, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

Internet Harassment in the Workplace: Civil and Criminal Legal Actions Possible

Internet harassment is a form of conduct. It may take place on a workplace computer or on an augmented realty game. More specifically, internet conduct includes posting threats, obscene images, as well as internet communications via text, messaging, computer or email, which conveys harmful or false information on social media sites.

By Jonathan Bick

6 minute read

September 29, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

SCOTUS Expansion of Fair Use Erodes Copyright Protection

The Supreme Court in 'Google v. Oracle' dramatically expands fair use to allow copyrighted materials to be used more freely in technology settings. The ruling will likely expand fair use in other environments, as it is applied to a recent Second Circuit ruling.

By Jonathan Bick

6 minute read

August 25, 2022 | New Jersey Law Journal

Dealing With Common Amazon Seller Legal Issues

Though the difficulties appear to be novel because of the e-commerce element, most can be properly and promptly addressed using traditional technological, business, and legal techniques.

By Jonathan Bick

6 minute read