Jonathan Bick

Jonathan Bick

June 17, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal

Internet Document Access May Justify Additional Settlement Clause 

OPED: Typical confidentiality agreements prohibit parties from publicly elaborating on the settled matter, thus hampering a defendant's ability to combat reputational harm caused by the online publication of a complaint that contains unproven allegations.

By Jonathan Bick

5 minute read

January 29, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal

Good Faith and Fair Dealing Bar to Abusive Online Reviews

An abusive review is a violation of an implied obligation in all contracts. If an internet consumer entered into a contract for the sale of goods or services, a duty of good faith and fair dealing springs into existence.

By Jonathan Bick

6 minute read

January 14, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal

Internet Content Rights Arise Upon Publication

How to determine when internet distribution of content constitutes 'publication.'

By Jonathan Bick

7 minute read

November 24, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Director and Shareholder Virtual Meetings Require Cybersecurity

Despite COVID-19 pandemic disruptions, entities with shareholders must timely execute both director and shareholder meetings. Holding these meetings via the internet may mitigate health concerns, however, doing so raises the issue of cybersecurity.

By Jonathan Bick 

9 minute read

November 13, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Global Internet Content Takedown Results from American Law

It is likely that the United States will continue to be both an internet technology and internet law global leader. As such, American internet law will prospectively have global influence.

By Jonathan Bick

5 minute read

January 08, 2020 | New Jersey Law Journal

Using Ethics Rules in Malpractice Proceedings to Protect Confidential Intellectual Property

Applying RPC 1.9 (Duties to Former Clients) may make sense in a malpractice action because it can avoid disclosing confidential intellectual property information in open court.

By Jonathan Bick

6 minute read

November 30, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

Need to Repair Your Online Reputation? There Are Laws for That

Internet reputation repair law results in protecting keywords, ameliorating adverse search engine results, and decreasing the likelihood of adverse content becoming ranked.

By Jonathan Bick

9 minute read

August 08, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

General Data Protection Regulation Internet Cul-de-sac Compliance Option

The GDPR is a set of European Union data protection and privacy regulations that apply to American e-commerce with European customers, and that designate European individuals as legal owners of their personal data. Enforcement of the GDPR began on May 25.

By Jonathan Bick

7 minute read

June 07, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

Contract and Tort Law (Not Property) Are Required for Blockchain Property Transactions

It is more useful to regulate and adjudicate blockchain protocol property transactions using laws and precedent associated with agreements and acts, rather than using the law of physical things.

By Jonathan Bick

1 minute read

April 23, 2018 | New Jersey Law Journal

Estate Planning in the Age of Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency's technological character allows estate planning to protect the intent of its holders, but the lack of statutory structure necessitates proactive steps.

By Jonathan Bick

6 minute read