Jonathan D Klein

Jonathan D Klein

March 01, 2018 | The Legal Intelligencer

Cybersecurity: What Does It Mean to Be Completely Prepared?

So often articles related to cybersecurity focus solely on assessment and preparedness against external forces (e.g., cybercriminals, hackers, ransomware, etc.), yet do not convey the full array of protections necessary to ensure complete cyberpreparedness for a busin

By Jonathan D. Klein

6 minute read

August 09, 2017 | The Legal Intelligencer

The Importance of Treating Nonattorney Staff Well

Your first few weeks as a young ­attorney at a new job (in the public or private sector) will be a whirlwind of trainings, signing forms, meeting your fellow attorneys and potentially even getting that terrifying first assignment. It should also involve introductions to your nonattorney colleagues—assistants, paralegals, office managers, supply managers, etc. While it is obviously critical for you to produce an excellent work product and develop a good reputation for yourself among your fellow attorneys, it is equally critical—though too often overlooked—that you learn (and quickly) how to properly interact with and treat your nonattorney colleagues.

By Jonathan D. Klein

5 minute read

May 30, 2017 | The Legal Intelligencer

2017: The Year of Big Shifts in Cybersecurity

There is rarely a day that goes by in recent months when the subject of cybersecurity and data privacy is not at the forefront of news stories. Whether ­related to hacking incidents during the ­presidential election, a breach at a major U.S. corporation (or two) affecting millions of customers, or the inadvertent divulging of government secrets, cybersecurity is the hot topic of the year. Yet, so often these news stories focus on specific incidents rather than the cybersecurity landscape in general and how it might be evolving as a result.

By Jonathan D. Klein

12 minute read

February 15, 2017 | The Legal Intelligencer

The True Measure of an Associate: Helping Others in Need

When dealing with long hours, billable hour requirements, phase and task codes (the worst), looming deadlines and interesting personalities, it is sometimes hard to remember that we in the private sector are extremely fortunate. As private practice associates, we are conditioned to work hard and focus on firm clients to ensure the firm remains ­profitable and successful. Despite these marching orders, we must not forget that as lawyers, we have an inherent obligation—now more than ever—to protect and help those who cannot on their own, to provide quality representation to those less fortunate, and simply, to do good.

By Jonathan D. Klein

11 minute read

January 18, 2017 | The Legal Intelligencer

Getting Your First Client: You're Already There

It is a hornbook principle of legal ­practice that you will live and die by your book of business if you work at a law firm. So great is the emphasis on developing such a book that associates (particularly junior associates) often do not realize that their first client is just a couple doors down the hall. Indeed, before you are—hopefully—promoted to partner (and let's be honest, if you are an associate who plans to remain in the private sector, that is generally the goal), the partners you work for as an associate have to trust in your abilities as a lawyer. No associate is ever going to make partner if they have a bad reputation or the partnership lacks confidence in them. So how do you demonstrate that you are an all-star associate ready to work hard and—hopefully—one day become a ­partner? The answer may surprise you ­because it is so simple: treat every partner you work for as a 

By Jonathan D. Klein

11 minute read

October 12, 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer

Mastering Time Management as a Junior Associate

From an early age, we are ­conditioned to do our homework on time, ­complete chores without delay, and balance extra-curricular activities and family time. The time-management skills we develop over the years are naturally beneficial, but they do not seamlessly translate to associate life at a law firm. This is particularly true after college and law school where we grow accustomed to each professor handing out a syllabus at the beginning of the semester to highlight the course assignments, reading lists, and exam schedule.

By Jonathan D. Klein

14 minute read

August 10, 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer

Some Tips to Mastering the Art of Small Talk

Whether you are a junior associate at a big firm or a smaller firm, we have all been in this exact situation: you are at a networking or related event and while the partners are off talking to what seems like anyone and everyone, you and a huddled mass of associates are talking to each other (likely about how awkward networking events are).

By Jonathan D. Klein

13 minute read

June 09, 2016 | The Legal Intelligencer

Reputation Is the Key to Success for a Young Lawyer

Congratulations! You've studied for the LSATs, gained admission to a law school, graduated, passed a bar or two, and are among the fortunate population to land a job. Now you must face the most difficult task of all: figuring out what kind of lawyer (and person) you want to be. Don't be fooled, this is not an article reviewing how to pick a type of law to practice; it is about taking a reflective look inward and deciding what you want your reputation to be and how to achieve that objective in the years to come.

By Jonathan D. Klein

6 minute read