Jonathan M Sabin

Jonathan M Sabin

May 21, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Employer Regulation of Employee Political Conduct In and Outside of the Office

A discussion of an employer's ability to regulate employee political activity inside and outside of the workplace. "In the current era of heightened political discourse, seamless social media and hybrid work arrangements, employers face difficult questions as to the extent to which they can lawfully limit or prohibit employee political conduct in and outside of the workplace. Just ask Google…"

By Jonathan M. Sabin

9 minute read

June 11, 2018 | New York Law Journal

Avoiding The New York Courthouse Through Arbitration May Not Be So Easy

In the absence of “critical language concerning enforcement” of the contract, the arbitrator decides all preliminary issues related to arbitration including waiver and statute of limitations defenses.

By Jonathan M. Sabin

9 minute read