Jonathan Tropp

Jonathan Tropp

December 09, 2019 | New York Law Journal

Design Patents: 'Campbell Soup' Stirs the Pot

If and only if a primary reference is found having design characteristics basically the same as the claimed design, secondary references may be considered to suggest modifications of that design to test the obviousness of the claimed invention. In its recent decision in 'Campbell Soup Co. v. Gamon Plus', however, the Federal Circuit appeared to soften this requirement.

By Jonathan Tropp

13 minute read

February 22, 2017 | Connecticut Law Tribune

Why I Like Being a Mediator

There is much truth in the old adage that a good mediated settlement is one in which both sides are a little unhappy. Nevertheless, because a mediated outcome is always optional, each side is, by definition, less unhappy than it was before settlement.


9 minute read