Joseph Fantini

Joseph Fantini

February 13, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer

Could Attorneys Be Replaced by Robots in the Future?

In the not too distant future, will robots be capable of performing the jobs of the vast majority of the readers of this article? A recent study performed by The Boston Consulting Group, "The Shifting Economics of Global Manufacturing: How a Takeoff in Advanced Robotics Will Power the Next Productivity Surge," predicted that by 2025, the percentage of manufacturing jobs performed in the United States by automated "robots" will increase from the current 10 percent to 25 percent.

By Joseph Fantini

5 minute read

February 12, 2015 | The Legal Intelligencer

Could Attorneys Be Replaced by Robots in the Future?

In the not too distant future, will robots be capable of performing the jobs of the vast majority of the readers of this article? A recent study performed by The Boston Consulting Group, "The Shifting Economics of Global Manufacturing: How a Takeoff in Advanced Robotics Will Power the Next Productivity Surge," predicted that by 2025, the percentage of manufacturing jobs performed in the United States by automated "robots" will increase from the current 10 percent to 25 percent.

By Joseph Fantini

5 minute read

December 13, 2013 | The Legal Intelligencer

Predictive Coding: Revolutionary or a Fading Trend?

As members of the legal community continue to strive to provide the best possible value and service to their clients, solo practitioners and international law firms alike have recently begun turning to predictive coding in an attempt to increase productivity while decreasing the costs associated with document review and production.

By Joseph Fantini

6 minute read