December 22, 2017 | The Recorder
Proposition 65 After 40 Years: Public Benefit or Enrichment for a Few?Although the law has helped reduce the amount of harmful chemicals in some consumer products, in most cases there has been no meaningful benefit. At the same time it has generated a cottage industry of citizen plaintiffs and attorneys.
By Joshua A. Bloom
7 minute read
May 27, 2015 | Corporate Counsel
Competing TSCA Reform Bills: A Break in Partisan Fever?The Toxic Substances Control Act has altered little since it was enacted almost 40 years ago. That may soon change.
By Joshua A. Bloom and Samir J. Abdelnour
8 minute read
May 27, 2015 | Corporate Counsel
Competing TSCA Reform Bills: A Break in Partisan Fever?The Toxic Substances Control Act has altered little since it was enacted almost 40 years ago. That may soon change.
By Joshua A. Bloom and Samir J. Abdelnour
8 minute read
November 16, 2011 | The Recorder
Green Chemistry Initiative -- Once MoreAfter vehement opposition to initial regulations, a new draft has been issued that's broader and more far-reaching, explain Barg Coffin Lewis & Trapp attorneys.
By Joshua A. Bloom and John D. Le
10 minute read
April 28, 2011 | The Recorder
Green Chemistry Initiative Down But Not OutNew proposal for regulations of hazardous chemicals in products has revived a previously halted effort, explain Barg Coffin attorneys.
By Joshua A. Bloom and John D. Le
10 minute read
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