October 16, 2018 | The Legal Intelligencer
Third Circuit Becomes First Appellate Court to Greenlight 'Snap Removals'By filing a notice of removal in federal court after the state-court suit is filed but before the state-court suit has been effectively served, a tactic enabled by modern technology and the ability to electronically monitor more and more state-court dockets on a real-time basis.
By Colin E. Wrabley and Joshua T. Newborn
13 minute read
September 04, 2018 | The Legal Intelligencer
Steps to Consider in Case the Court Limits or Overturns 'Chevron' or 'Auer'The deference doctrines associated with the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark decisions in Chevron and Auer carry immense practical significance because they govern when courts must uphold agency interpretations of statutes and regulations in subject areas across the enormous administrative state.
By Todd S. Kim and Joshua T. Newborn
9 minute read
December 19, 2017 | The Legal Intelligencer
Getting Your Company's Case Removed to Federal Court When Sued in Your 'Home' StateIt's no secret that companies sued as defendants generally prefer to litigate in federal court, not state court. Federal courts are presumed to be more predictable, more transparent, and less subject to local biases than state courts.
By Colin E. Wrabley and Joshua T. Newborn
12 minute read