Judie Saunders

Judie Saunders

August 11, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer

Is There a Place for Transgender Athletes Under Title IX?

Title IX has a long history of defining male and female participation in sports. Since Title IX's enactment, athletes have relied on this law to rid academic institutions of discriminatory practices in athletics. In recent years, transgender persons are also hopeful that Title IX will guarantee them increased access and opportunities in sports.

By Judie Saunders

8 minute read

January 28, 2021 | New Jersey Law Journal

How Whistleblower Laws Will Protect Competitive Youth Athletes

After decades of abuse being silenced, whistleblower laws are one way to add a much-needed layer of protection for young athletes and their parents who allege abuse by a coach.

By Judie Saunders

8 minute read

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