March 27, 2020 | Texas Lawyer
Best Practices in May 2020 for Business Immigration Laws Affected by the COVID-19 Virus EmergencyAs events and rules are changing daily with respect to COVID-19. In February, we thought the worst thing to happen this year would be the new H-1B Cap Registration process. Little did we know that this pandemic would create uncertainty throughout the immigration landscape, says Julia L. Stommes, an immigration attorney of counsel for Fragomen.
By Julia L. Stommes
6 minute read
May 03, 2002 | Texas Lawyer
In Search of a Meaningful Guest Worker Visa ProgramIt`s difficult to discuss immigration these days. Difficult because our nerves are still raw from Sept. 11 - raw because several terrorists overstayed their visas or ignored our laws in some other way before flying American planes into American landmarks. theA sluggish economy, marked by high-profile layoffs, also contributes to the problem. We as a nation are finding it hard to discuss the immigration policies and procedures we need to regulate which foreign nationals can enter this country and the durati
5 minute read
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