July 16, 2013 | Inside Counsel
IP: 2013 patent hot topicsFollowing some recent decisions by the Supreme Court and the Federal Circuit, a number of pending cases are worth watching for their potential impact on governing patent law.
By Julianne Hartzell
6 minute read
June 18, 2013 | Inside Counsel
IP: Trademark trial and appeal board vs. district court litigationThe U.S. Patent and Trademark Offices (PTO) Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) offers the opportunity to prevent registration of a trademark through an opposition proceeding, or to petition to cancel a trademark that has already registered.
By Julianne Hartzell
5 minute read
May 21, 2013 | Inside Counsel
IP: Did the Federal Circuit invalidate 320,799 software patents?On May 10, the Federal Circuit issued its en banc decision in CLS Bank v. Alice Corp. addressing the patentability of software claims issued to Alice Corp.
By Julianne Hartzell
6 minute read
April 09, 2013 | Inside Counsel
IP: Supreme Court applies first-sale doctrine internationallyRecently an unusual collection of amici argued that the Supreme Court should not allow copyright owners to prevent U.S. resale of works authorized for sale by the copyright owner in a foreign country because it would be impractical and would exceed the proper scope of protection provided by statute.
By Julianne Hartzell
11 minute read
March 12, 2013 | Inside Counsel
IP: Avoiding the hidden dangers of the never-ending email stringA number of issues can arise when long email strings covering wide-ranging topics include reference to responsive matters
By Julianne Hartzell
10 minute read
February 12, 2013 | Inside Counsel
IP: Federal Circuit weakens Internet patent troll modelWhile procedurally surprising, the decision in Soverain v. Newegg is consistent with earlier rulings that cumulatively undermine the business model of the infamous internet patent troll.
By Julianne Hartzell
6 minute read
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