Julie A Auerbach

Julie A Auerbach

March 03, 2004 |

Point: Counsel Fees in Divorce: Should They Be More Liberally Granted?

Much of the domestic client's legal fees are spent bickering over emotional issues that have little to do with the actual division of assets, the amount of support owed or the custody of the children. Given this reality, the court system needs to make clients accountable for their vexatious conduct. One effective way of doing this is to assess the overly aggressive client with attorney fees.

By Julie A. Auerbach

3 minute read

March 01, 2005 | The Legal Intelligencer

Welfare of Children Warrants Post-Divorce Mortgage Offset

The application of a post-divorce mortgage contribution is appropriate when necessary to protect the best interests of the children. Married couples with children usually purchase a residence with the intent of remaining in that residence until the children finish high school. The residence they purchase is usually reflective of the standard of living in which they desire to raise their children.

By Julie A. Auerbach

5 minute read

December 14, 2005 | The Legal Intelligencer

Military Personnel and Child Custody Jurisdiction

Consider the following scenario: Mother and father resided in Pennsylvania during the marriage. After separation, mother continued to reside in Pennsylvania with the children for almost three more years, but father moved to Ohio after the separation. Without the father's consent, the mother then moved to New Jersey by herself and sent the children to Florida to live with her stepmother.

By Julie A. Auerbach

6 minute read

January 31, 2006 | The Legal Intelligencer

Reimbursement Doctrine Protects Financially Supportive Spouses

Equitable reimbursement is not alimony. It is a judicially created doctrine that provides for compensation to a spouse for contributions rendered during the marriage where the marital assets are insufficient to compensate the spouse for these contributions.

By Julie A. Auerbach

7 minute read

December 06, 2004 | The Legal Intelligencer

Struggling to Define the Concept of Marriage

At one time it was easy to ascertain whether a couple was married. Now there are so many potential types of unions, the answer to whether a couple is married is not always readily discernible.

By Julie A. Auerbach

6 minute read

October 08, 2003 | The Legal Intelligencer

Best Interests of Child Vs. Parent's Due Process Rights

What is more sacrosanct in the courts' eyes, a parent's right to rear her child as she chooses or the child's best interests? The answer is not so clear in the recently decided Pennsylvania Superior Court case of K.B.II, K.B. and B.B. v. C.B.F.

By Julie A. Auerbach

6 minute read

May 28, 2002 | The Legal Intelligencer

Children of Divorce vs. Children of Intact Families

Rulings Question Idea of

By Julie A. Auerbach

5 minute read

March 11, 2005 | The Legal Intelligencer

Balancing Religious Freedom With Best Interests of Child

What happens when divorced parents wish to raise their children with different religious beliefs? The courts must weigh each parent's right to raise the children in the religion of his or her choosing against the best interests of the child. Religious conflicts between parents arise in different ways.

By Julie A. Auerbach

6 minute read

August 05, 2004 | The Legal Intelligencer

Broken Engagements and Partition

Engagement rings are not the only assets subject to dispute when an engagement is broken. What happens to a jointly purchased residence?

By Julie A. Auerbach

5 minute read

June 30, 2005 | The Legal Intelligencer

'Without Prejudice' in Custody Order Really Means Without Prejudice

Many masters and judges are hesitant to disrupt the status quo in custody cases, adhering to the old saying, If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

By Julie A. Auerbach and Elissa Fuller

5 minute read