Kandice K Hull

Kandice K Hull

March 24, 2023 | The Legal Intelligencer

When Are 2 Properties Really 1? Unity of Use Doctrine Under Eminent Domain Code

If a landowner has two separate properties, and the condemnation of one parcel diminishes the value of the second parcel? The Eminent Domain Code (the code) actually addresses that scenario.

By Kandice K. Hull and Casey Hunt

7 minute read

September 22, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer

Appellate Consideration of the Pa. Prevailing Wage Act and Potential Implications for Industries

Whether the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act applies is a significant question because, if it is deemed applicable, workers who participate in "public work" on a given project must be paid in accordance with the minimum prevailing wage.

By Lauren Anthony and Kandice K. Hull

8 minute read

June 23, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer

Condemnation Damages Typically Do Not Include Payment for Business Losses

The frustration business owners experience when faced with a condemnation in Pennsylvania is real. While there are tactics that can be used to attempt to recover losses from the impact to the business, these seldom compensate for the entirety of the effect of the loss.

By Kandice K. Hull

7 minute read

March 24, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer

In a Clash of Condemning Authorities Who Prevails?

It is clear that condemnation disputes between two entities that each have the power of eminent domain have occurred more often than people might think. Whenever these disputes take place, there is always the question of whose sovereignty will prevail.

By Kandice K. Hull

8 minute read

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