Karen Sloan

Karen Sloan

Karen Sloan is the Legal Education Editor and Senior Writer at ALM. Contact her at [email protected]. On Twitter: @KarenSloanNLJ Sign up for Ahead of the Curve—her weekly email update on trends and innovation in legal education—here:

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January 20, 2016 | National Law Journal

Villanova Law Gets $25 Million and a New Name

Villanova University School of Law has landed a $25 million gift and a new name in honor of the alumni donor. University officials announced Wednesday that the school will now be known as the Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law. Widger, the founder of investment management firm Brinker Capital, graduated from the Philadelphia law school in 1973 and serves on its board of consultors.

By Karen Sloan

4 minute read

January 19, 2016 | National Law Journal

Texas Wesleyan Law Grads Lose Diploma Fight with Texas A&M

Texas Wesleyan University School of Law graduates have lost a bid to force Texas A&M University School of Law&mdashwhich acquired their alma mater in 2013—to grant them new diplomas with the A&M name.

By Karen Sloan

5 minute read

January 19, 2016 | National Law Journal

Texas Wesleyan Law Grads Lose Diploma Fight with Texas A&M

Texas Wesleyan University School of Law graduates have lost a bid to force Texas A&M University School of Law&mdashwhich acquired their alma mater in 2013—to grant them new diplomas with the A&M name.

By Karen Sloan

5 minute read

January 14, 2016 | National Law Journal

Two Law Schools Launch Degree Programs in China

Two U.S. law schools are expanding into China with new degrees—one of which is the first of its kind.

By Karen Sloan

4 minute read

January 14, 2016 | National Law Journal

Two Law Schools Launch Degree Programs in China

Two U.S. law schools are expanding into China with new degrees—one of which is the first of its kind.

By Karen Sloan

4 minute read

January 12, 2016 |

Duke Law School Pairs Up with Judicial Education Group

Duke Law School next year will begin co-hosting the Appellate Judges Education Institute's annual summit, further sharpening its focus on the judiciary.

By Karen Sloan

4 minute read

January 12, 2016 | National Law Journal

Duke Law School Pairs Up with Judicial Education Group

Duke Law School next year will begin co-hosting the Appellate Judges Education Institute's annual summit, further sharpening its focus on the judiciary.

By Karen Sloan

4 minute read

January 11, 2016 |

Law Students Give Legal Aid to Syrian Refugees

Law students from around the country are assisting Syrians fleeing their war-torn homeland—and gaining practical experience at the same time.

By Karen Sloan

4 minute read

January 11, 2016 | National Law Journal

Law Students Give Legal Aid to Syrian Refugees

Law students from around the country are assisting Syrians fleeing their war-torn homeland—and gaining practical experience at the same time.

By Karen Sloan

4 minute read

January 07, 2016 | National Law Journal

Breyer Tells Law Profs, Judges: Go Travel the World (For Work)

A relaxed Justice Stephen Breyer was equal parts jurist and comedian on Thursday before a friendly law professor crowd, as the U.S. Supreme Court justice poked fun at himself, the profession, and the process of promoting his new book.

By Karen Sloan

3 minute read