Kay Kyungsun Yu

Kay Kyungsun Yu

October 28, 2022 | The Legal Intelligencer

Attorneys: Here's an Effective Way to Make a Positive Impact on Civil Legal Aid

One effective and relatively easy way that you give back is through your interest on lawyers' trust or IOLTA account.

By Kay Kyungsun Yu and Wesley R. Payne IV

4 minute read

March 22, 2017 | The Legal Intelligencer

America Must Reconsider Its Immigration Policy With Compassion

During his presidential campaign, now-President Donald J. Trump promised to deploy deportation forces to remove all undocumented ­immigrants from this country. Five days after his inauguration, on Jan. 25, Trump issued Executive Order 13768 to deliver on his promise. That same day, Trump issued Executive Order 13767, which purported to fulfill his promise to "build the wall" along the southern border of the United States. Executive Order 13769 followed on Jan. 27, which instituted a travel ban halting all refugee admissions and temporarily stopping travel from seven majority Muslim countries.

By Kay Kyungsun Yu

15 minute read