Kellen Scott

Kellen Scott

July 16, 2024 | Texas Lawyer

The FTC Noncompete Rule Is in Serious Jeopardy

"Brown determined the challengers also are likely to succeed on the merits on their claim that the FTC's rulemaking process was arbitrary and capricious," writes Chamberlain Hrdlicka's Kellen Scott.

By Kellen Scott

11 minute read

January 12, 2023 | Texas Lawyer

FTC Proposes Rule Banning Noncompete Clauses With Workers

"We anticipate interested parties will argue the FTC has exceeded the scope of its authority and such a rule is within the province of the United States Congress, not a federal agency," says C. Larry Carbo III, Kellen Scott and AJ Foreman of Chamberlain Hrdlicka.

By C. Larry Carbo III, Kellen Scott and AJ Foreman

6 minute read

June 27, 2018 | Texas Lawyer

Not So Fast! We Have Mandatory Arbitration

Courts routinely enforce arbitration agreements and order employees or former employees to pursue the relief they seek in an arbitral forum and, if appropriately drafted, on an individual basis rather than as part of a class.

By Larry Carbo and Kellen Scott

4 minute read

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