Kevin Mahoney

Kevin Mahoney

April 09, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Aviation Deaths on the High Seas: Continuing Questions and Recent Developments

This article focuses on one important maritime statute: the Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA), including its all-important Commercial Aviation Exception. It also analyzes two unresolved procedural issues in DOHSA cases: whether and when they are removable to federal court and whether a DOHSA plaintiff has a right to a jury trial.

By Vincent C. Lesch and Kevin Mahoney

16 minute read

January 09, 2024 | New York Law Journal

Aviation Federal Preemption and Products Liability Standards

The most hotly contested aviation law issue in the United States has been whether and to what extent federal law preempts state law. The stakes in the fight over preemption are high because a preemption finding can truly lead to virtual immunity for an aviation manufacturer of a defective product. Given these stakes, the authors of this article address the state of play in the Second Circuit given the recent 'Jones' decision.

By Justin T. Green and Kevin Mahoney

14 minute read

May 10, 2018 | New York Law Journal

Do Airline Training Schools Have a Duty of Care?

In this Aviation Law column, Steven Pounian and Kevin Mahoney write: Courts around the country are divided over the question of whether flight schools can be held liable for negligent pilot training that results in an air disaster.

By Steven Pounian and Kevin Mahoney

9 minute read

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