Krista Mcintyre Ariel Stavitsky

Krista Mcintyre Ariel Stavitsky

October 18, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

Charting the Course to Implement Environmental Justice Through Corporate Sustainability, Part 3

The EPA declares an imperative for the agency to embed EJ and civil rights into its core mission and day-to-day work. National and regional offices within the EPA are directed to develop plans to achieve specific EJ goals and can expect accountability for performance against those goals.

By Krista McIntyre, Ariel Stavitsky and Wade Foster

10 minute read

August 16, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

Uncharted Waters: Environmental Justice in Federal and State Regulation

While the EJ movement gains momentum in activist, academic, and private-sector circles, federal and state government actors around the country are grappling with how best to achieve EJ through policy, regulation and enforcement.

By Krista McIntyre, Ariel Stavitsky and Lydia Heye

9 minute read

June 23, 2021 | Corporate Counsel

The Rising Tide of Environmental Justice and Preparing for the Next Wave

Once a topic confined to activism and academia, environmental justice has washed over national conversation, and industry is preparing for the next wave.

By Krista McIntyre, Ariel Stavitsky and Lydia Heye

8 minute read