Kristy Bourgeois

Kristy Bourgeois

October 22, 2018 | Pro Mid Market

Business Development and Millennials—Five Things to Remember

My first few years in a law firm were exciting, interesting and challenging. After finishing law school and dealing with the many obstacles all lawyers must overcome in those three years, I felt that I was well-prepared for law firm life. I knew I had plenty to learn, but I was ready.

By Kristy Bourgeois

5 minute read

June 27, 2018 | Pro Mid Market

What They Did Not Tell You in Law School About Building Your Brand—Part II

As you may recall, in my column last month I discussed characteristics of Baby Boomers, Gen Xers and millennials in the legal profession. The values, work preferences and communication styles of these generations can differ greatly, and create gaps, or worse, dysfunctional relationships between the generations.

By Kristy Bourgeois

3 minute read

April 25, 2018 | Pro Mid Market

What They Did Not Tell You in Law School About Building Your Brand—Part I

Take a look at five key lessons in developing a positive personal brand that will resonate with your senior peers from the Baby Boom and Gen X.

By Kristy Bourgeois

4 minute read

March 21, 2018 | Pro Mid Market

Communication Can Make All the Difference for Millennials

We all have a tendency to fall into our preferred methods and styles of communicating, but doing so may mean we end up missing excellent opportunities to reach across the generational divides.

By Kristy Bourgeois

5 minute read

February 21, 2018 |

The Challenges of a Multi-Generational Workplace Are No Surprise

As of just more than one year ago, the 53.5 million millennials in the U.S. workforce make up the single largest generation of American workers.

By Kristy Bourgeois

4 minute read